Thursday, 13 December 2012

Day 3: Yellow nails

Oh lawd! Yellow? I need more time to get used to having this colour on my nails.

Once again i used 2 coats of "Luron" #110 and no top coat. I should inform you that you will be seeing a lot more "Luron" nail polishes. LOVE them!


  1. This looks nice on you. I have the exact same color, but I never have the confidence to rock it. I've used it twice and always end up taking it off the next day. I feel like it looks like yellow white out and cant stand it!

    1. Thanks! I also can't rock this colour for more than a day either, but i'll definitely try at some point. Do you use a top coat with yours? I hadn't applied a top coat here. Applying one helps give you a nice glossy finish. Thanks for checking out my blog & commenting :)
